Generally offered as part of a wedding or commitment ceremony, we can discuss the performance of one or more unity ceremonies and/or blessings – before, during, or after the wedding or commitment ceremony – or entirely on its own! Examples include:

  1. Unity candle – a classic unity ceremony, you light individual candles (or wooden starters) and then pair your flames to light the unity candle, your two flames becoming one symbolizing the two of you becoming one.
  2. Handfasting – a Celtic tradition, your right hands are gently bound to each other with a rope during the exchange of vows, again symbolizing your union – hence the phrase “tying the knot.”
  3. Sand pouring – a more modern ceremony, you each take a container of sand and pour it together into a single container.
  4. Cross braiding – a ceremony based in Christian tradition, this involves braiding three lengths of rope to symbolize the strength of your union.
  5. Wine/beer pouring – similar to sand pouring, a wine or beer pouring involves you blending individual bottles of wine or beer (preferably not one of each) into a common bottle. This also makes for a drinkable souvenir!
  6. Tree planting – you plant a sapling tree together in a pot, which will then grow as you grow together.